Tuesday, May 16, 2017

bright blue skies. hurrah!

this morning we woke to bright blue skies. quite the departure from the cool, grey mornings we've gotten accustomed to waking to. it's incredible what an impact something as simple as the colour of the sky has on one's emotions.

as you'll know from instagram, we've been staying at a friend's family holiday home in the poconos since we left the cape two days ago. & i have to admit that even after just barely a week on the road, we are very much enjoying the luxury of having a kitchen [ & an indoor bathroom! ]. the bedroom, however, has not been touched. ha! seems we built a bed so comfortable we'd rather sleep in our vehicle than in a house. if that's not the sign of a successful van build, i don't know what is.

yesterday was one of the best we've had. we planned to hike, & we hiked. now, that may sound like nothing to you, but to us that was a win. at home we used to make plans to hike or to see a movie or go out for dinner, but at the last minute we'd cancel. i think it's because we knew that if we didn't do it then, we could always do it later. well, we've changed our attitude. this is a road trip. we're not staying in one place for long. if we don't do it today, we may never do it. we can't have a do-over. we're not driving one hundred miles back because we regret not seeing or doing something. if we want to do it, we have to do it now. we're flying by the seat of our pants. we're living in the moment.

right. back to yesterday. ricketts glen state park is beautiful. we chose to hike the waterfall trail & were not disappointed. the route was fairly sketchy, with slippery rock staircases & more than one gnarly tree root [ & a steep stint at the end that has luke feeling his glutes this morning ] but we touched a waterfall. touched. a. waterfall. it was incredible. & i couldn't believe the power of it. 

we hiked for two hours, admiring the scenery, calling out 'hello!' to our fellow hikers [ because that's what we canadians do, eh? ] &, for much of it, simply enjoying the sounds of nature. it was bliss - except for the part where we walked a mile in the wrong direction & ended up having to double back to where the water met. but, hey, we got through that without an argument [ another win! ]. oh, & we only spent $2USD all day, & that was on a toll charge to get out to the state park [ a third win! ].

today we will drive halfway to washington, dc. [ our next intentional stop ], but not before visiting hickory state park to see the boulder field. yep, a field of boulders. can't miss that!

follow us on instagram: www.openheartsopenroad.blogspot.com

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