Wednesday, August 16, 2017

rocky mountain low.

we crossed the border into canada the saturday before last & were uber excited to be back on home turf. the moment we entered the country luke insisted we pull over so he could show some love to the british columbia sign. we were home & we were excited. & within four minutes i was calling my dad [ we don't have an american phone plan so have not made a phone call or sent a text since we left canada 8 may ].

we spent our first night in fernie. we had a coffee [ used the wifi ], visited the brewery [ as we do ] & slept in the fernie mountain resort FOR FREE. yep. FOR FREE. we don't always visit the tourist office when we arrive in a new town, but for some reason we did. & it was there that we received the good news that the resort was allowing campers to pitch up or pull up for no cost. don't hear that often. [ thank you lovely tourist office girl ]. the only downsides to sleeping in a mountain resort parking lot are my having to pee outside in bear country [ eek! ] & the price of the bag of ice we bought [ 1.40 in america, 3.60 in canada. that REALLY irked me ]. otherwise it was glorious. dark, quiet, no forced early morning wake up. glo-ri-ous.

but we did wake early [ obviously ]. like, before 6 o'clock early. & i had to pee. & it was too bright to just pee beside the van. & too early to use the resort bathroom. so we packed up & headed to starbucks [ i honestly think we should approach them for sponsorship at this point ] where we used the restroom, the wifi & the comfy chairs with the epic view of the mountains. this is also where we decided we loved british columbia & agreed to take at least a week to drive out to vancouver, where we would stay with luke's brother.

we hit the road around 7 o'clock anticipating views galore. we were pumped. we'd heard so much about this drive. but, alas, after an hour driving we started seeing the impact the forest fires were having. instead of mountains we saw smoke. instead of blue skies we saw white. our sight was literally limited to the trees along the highway. any further away & they became hazy. it shocked us. &, unfortunately it meant we may as well make our way to delta directly instead of dilly dallying like we'd intended. we attempted to stop & stay a number of times but the smoke was intolerable. our rocky mountain drive was a bust.

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