Monday, June 5, 2017

back on mainland u-s-of-a.

hello from a motel room in myrtle beach [ yes, you read that right. hello from a motel room in myrtle beach. it is hot af so we had to either upgrade to something with air conditioning or risk melting &/or divorce ]. as i write this luke is snoring in the 'eating' bed [ there are two beds so we deemed one the 'eating' bed & the other the 'sleeping' bed. can't risk getting crumbs in the 'sleeping' bed if we find ourselves snacking while watching television - television! ] & it is lashing rain on the other side of the door. but i don't mind either one bit because we've had so much sun the last week or so i can't be mad about a couple of temperature reducing thunderstorms &, hey, i'm starting to realize that naps aren't all bad [ i never, ever thought i'd say that. ever ].

ok, so, back to the ferry ride to the mainland. if you read my previous post, you'll remember that we woke feeling pretty darn groggy that morning in ocracoke [ it was worth it for all the craic we had ]. what i didn't mention is that luke was in worse shape than me so i took the wheel for this leg of the journey [ i hadn't driven even a city block up to this point so was a little worried but, at the same time, i was happy to be of assistance ].

the ferry to cedar island was at 4 o'clock & it lasted two & a half hours. now, normally that would feel like FOREVER but we have a converted van [ ! ] so we were able to nap [ luke ], read [ me ] & even get in a workout [ me ]. & we managed it all while everyone else was either sitting in their vehicle or inside the ferry [ poor suckers ].

when we arrived at cedar island [ not actually an island ] we were pleasantly surprised by the landscape. we had no idea what to expect. it began with marshland & bendy roads [ which i very poorly navigated. turns out i am not a natural born van driver ] & turned into farmland & straightaways. & it was beautiful [ a huge departure from the sand dunes & ocean views we'd gotten accustomed to, which made for an interesting drive ].

now, that day's goal was simply to get from ocracoke to either beaufort or morehead - whichever town we felt like stopping in [ aka, whichever town we could find a decent spot to park for the night ].  it was about covering ground, getting us closer to our TRUE destination, which was chimney rock, north carolina, home of my dear, dear, dear friend amber, whom i met while walking the camino de santiago two years ago & hadn't seen since. to say i was excited was an understatement. we only spent two weeks together, but those two weeks were intense. we slept, brushed our teeth, showered & shit [ same room, different stall ] & ate together every day. & all while walking four to eight hours a day, often together. she was my rock. she got me through the tough bits. she listened, was a shoulder to cry on, lifted me up when i was at my lowest. she was a true friend. a bosom buddy. a soul mate. she got me through everything until my dad arrived & i walked the last three weeks with him. i was going to get to see her again & i was going to get to introduce her to luke. needless to say, i couldn't get there fast enough, & all that was standing between me & a hug was one night in a shitty anytime fitness in parking lot in morehead city! [ yep, we ended up in morehead city, beaufort was beautiful, but posh, & didn't have a walmart or anytime fitness & we weren't sure we'd get away with stealth parking ].

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