Tuesday, June 20, 2017

from port city...

we'd been looking forward to charleston since we started planning this trip over a year ago. in fact, we'd been wanting to visit charleston for years but couldn't bring ourselves to cough up the [ outrageous ] plane fare. so this was our chance. & when we finally arrived it was raining sideways. & it was flooding. & it was humid. but, have no fear, we found a parking spot by the city market & set out on foot with our umbrellas & a positive attitude.

as we expected, the historic district was very pretty. as we should have expected, the historic district was very posh. my short-shorts & luke's jean cut offs weren't exactly the norm. the price for a drink or a meal was out of our league. & with nowhere but either a truly shitty pub with cheap beer [ where we ended up having lunch - what a waste of money ], an overpriced restaurant, or the van to hang out in while the rain lashed [ we were so envious of the tourists that were able to return to clean, dry hotel rooms with cable television ], after a few hours admiring the city on foot we were about finished with it. but not all was lost.

what did we do with the rest of the afternoon/evening? we went to revelry brewery. & what did we find there? we found exactly what we'd hoped for; great beer, locals, friendly bartenders, a casual atmosphere & shelter from the storm. oh, & our appetites. after a few beer we hopped in the van & headed toward our chosen overnight parking spot.

what did we stumble upon while on the way to 'home' to buy food & eat in the van? lewis barbecue. LEWIS f'ing BARBECUE. luke's favourite texas bbq-er [ ? ] had relocated his austin based bbq joint to charleston & luke had completely forgotten about it.

needless to say, we swung into the parking lot on two wheels, hopped from the van & immediately got stuck in. we had the ribs, the brisket [ the texans have mastered brisket ], the sausages. we had pickled onions & pickles & white bread. & it was delicious [ but, as always, i ate too much. will i never, ever learn? ever? ]. then, much to our surprise, the manager treated us to a one-on-one tour of the smoke room [ luke was bursting with excitement ]. the two of them talked meat & smoke & bbq while i took photos. & then, to top it all off, he gave us beer coozies. on the house. [ i was pumped ].

not surprisingly, the next day we woke to more rain. sigh. but, hey, we were going to visit the angel oak [ we'd been told it was a must-see ] & a little rain wasn't going to get us down. in fact, a little rain made it all the more haunting [ & less busy, i would imagine ]. from there we made our way back to the historic district, found a parking spot at the waterfront [ lucky ] & waited out the rain, in the van, side door open, breeze blowing in. once the rain subsided we ventured out along the waterfront, zig zagged through the quaint streets in the battery district, &, after an hour or so we admitted to each other that the city wasn't for us so we made our way to folly beach.

oh folly beach. how we loved you...

1 comment:

  1. Following along...but so curious what lead to the Dublin detour!
