Tuesday, July 18, 2017

respite from the heat & some friendly faces.

west palm beach florida wasn't originally on our radar but when friends from ottawa offered us an air conditioned room & their company we took them up on it. for three reasons.

firstly, florida is hot. like, stifling hot. & the van has no a/c, which means we hadn't slept in for-ever. secondly, florida is ass backwards. you can carry a concealed weapon but you can't sleep in your car. & thirdly, seeing a couple of familiar faces after a few weeks on the road sounded wonderful.

so we went & we spent a total of seven days [ five before ireland, two after ] relaxing with the four of them [ they have two young children ]. we went to breweries & to the beach. we had sit down dinners. we drank cold beer & swam in their [ bath water warm ] pool. we slept in. we did twice daily perimeter checks for snakes & alligators. needless to say, it was a huge departure from what we'd been getting used to.

we had a wonderful time [ hard not to with friends like them ] but by the time we were back in the van it had been over three weeks & we were more than ready to get back on the road.

* we'd like to say a big thank you to jayna & jay. not only did they welcome us into their home for an extended period of time, but they cared for van while we were out of the country, thank you, thank you, thank you. *

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