Wednesday, July 19, 2017

something spiritual.

there's something spiritual about this part of the country. you can sense it as soon as you cross the border. there's room to breathe here. the mountains provide perspective. the expansiveness of the sky a reminder that life can be as tremendous as you want to make it.

though the last ten weeks have been wonderful, i believe this is where our journey begins. this is where the soft moments start. this is where the world will teach us something. this is where we could find what we are looking for. new mexico, colorado, wyoming, montana, utah, idaho, arizona. ideal for contemplation, for soul searching, for learning to live in the moment.

unfortunately, two things have the potential to derail the trip. one, we have to make our way back to canada by 9 august to renew my passport, which could keep us in canada for weeks. & two, we will more than likely be out of funds by the time i receive my passport.

though we've been conscious about our spending, we decided fairly early on that we weren't willing to miss an opportunity simply because it cost money. we've met so many wonderful people over a beer [ just last night we met a couple of kindred spirits at marble brewing in albequerque. they very kindly - & very generously - invited us to spend the night at their home. we shared stories, beers, japanese whiskey & our hearts. it was the best $30USD we've ever spent ]. & we've spent hundreds on a national park pass & state park entry fees. & we wouldn't take any of it back.

needless to say, we've got a plan. once we've crossed the border we hope to find work. we'll scrub toilets. we'll ask customers if they want fries with that. we'll do whatever we have to do to continue. we'll look into a loan. we'll borrow money. we'll make it happen. we've got open hearts & there's always an open road.

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  1. Are you scrubbing toilets While offering the fries or....? That's pretty high end bathroom service. �� Luke you should look for baby sitting jobs I feel that's your true calling....��

  2. Sounds like your adventure has been magical :)
